The M-W Kids

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The World's CUTEST KIDS!

School Picture
Fall 2007
Daniel and Erica

Daniel - age 15 months and Erica - age 4 years

Tree Trimming Party with Daniel's God-Parents

The evening and the tree started out like this...

Erica, Daniel and Langston played and had a great time...

Uncle Derrick & Daniel!
Uncle Derrick and the kiddies!
Auntie M. straighting out the many strings of lights.

Aunt Pam playing with the kiddie crew.
Daniel and his God-parents
(Uncle Derrick & Auntie M.)

David (Auntie M's nephew) single handedly did the lights...and, what a fantastic job he did!

Let the Holiday season begin!

It's Time to Make Holiday Cookies!

The M-W Kids and God-Sister Brianna decorated holiday cookies!

God Mommy Debi joins in the fun!

Daniel Had too much FUN!!