Winter 2007, Daniel's first buggy ride!
Way back in the Spring of 2004, Erica had her first buggy ride in the infant class at Bright Horizons.
Spring 2004, Erica's 1st. Buggy ride!
This blog is a glimpse into our world... Find out about us and the stuff we do!
Way back in the Spring of 2004, Erica had her first buggy ride in the infant class at Bright Horizons.
Spring 2004, Erica's 1st. Buggy ride!
(Pam) Erica's Mommy played with Erica & Caroline.
Then Daniel got hungry.....
So, we fed him. Then Daniel got sleepy...
So, we put him down for a nap!
It was a morning full of fun!
We are the Mommies!
You can find our story at:
First came Little Miss M-W - Erica - 8/2003
Then came Young Master M-W-Daniel 8/2006
And before both of them, there was Howard: